“Shehla is an extremely knowledgeable and deeply caring yoga instructor. I always look forward to her in class and never leave without feeling my mind, body, and soul are back in balance. Shehla is a rare find, a gift to her students and to yoga. ”
— Lynn M | Pure Fitness
“I had told Shehla I would be happy to provide a testimonial. I am one of her fans at the Leaside Pure Fitness facility. My experience in taking Shehla’s classes has been fantastic on many levels. She provides a warm and supportive atmosphere for her students and is attentive to everyone’s needs. Her yoga wisdom and sense of calm are among the first things one senses when getting on the mat. Her narrative provides information on the core and ancient principles of yoga as well as observations on contemporary life (sometimes quite humorous). I am very grateful that she has helped me heal from a running injury and re-engaged me with a yoga practice. Thank you Shehla!”
— Irene | Pure Fitness
“Shehla Khan is a dynamic, intuitive and authentic teacher. Her childhood roots in yoga emanate wisdom throughout her classes. She is able to take ancient teachings and relay them in meaningful and digestible ways. I feel safe in her classes knowing that she teaches from a holistic place that honors the various bodies and backgrounds in the room. I am grateful to have Shehla as my teacher and important part of my sangha (community).”
— Julia G | Yoga Teacher, Reiki Practitioner
“I have had the opportunity to practice and teach with Shehla; a student at heart is what makes Shehla a great and an authentic teacher. Her knowledge is deep and her practice is woven tightly into the fabric of her life. Shehla is down to earth, light hearted and has a great sense of humour. I always learn something from her in her company.”
— Cathy Keenan | Yin Yoga Teacher, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner | cathykeenan.com
“ Shehla is an exceptional person and yoga teacher her devotion to her personal practice and her students is shown through her guidance of teachings. I sincerely enjoy her knowledge of traditional yoga philosophy through her classes she teaches as well as having conversations with her about the importance of self-study and practice, on and off the mat. Shehla is very dedicated to teaching her students the foundational roots of how yoga philosophy unites the physical practice of mind & body. Learning about the meaning of Aum, Chakras, koshas, doshas and tri-doshas, as well as studying The Yoga Sutras, Shehla has helped me immensely to unbind the beads of knowledge one day at a time, understand the meaning of yoga in its true essence and nature of how beautiful yoga and the philosophy is important with my practice.”